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Client Feedback is important, see what they have to say

Most of my clients come to me through recommendations and word of mouth. Read some of the testimonials and reviews below, and get in touch if you’d like learn more about working with me.

My daughter is very active and was having to eat something every 2 hours or her energy levels and mood would crash.  We were almost setting a timer to keep feeding her!


Since cutting down the sugar and increasing the fibre in her diet (especially switching to more filling healthy snacks), she is now staying fuller for much longer.  


She is feeling so much better! Her energy levels are now so much more consistent. 


Thank you Kate

EC - Mum to teenage daughter

It's 4 weeks since I began to cut sugar from my diet and follow some of the tips you suggested. 


I ran a half marathon last weekend and felt stronger and had more energy - I crossed the finish line and I still felt good! 


I really think all our strength work and low sugar helped!

RP - Female age 40-45

1-1 Sugar Reduction & Exercise Plan Client

I have found it surprisingly easy to reduce the sugar in my diet - in fact I didn't even know that there was sugar in a lot of what I was eating and the impact it was having.


After just a week of following Kate's advice (7 Day Sugar Stop Programme), I noticed I lost that bloated feeling and had also lost 2 kg in weight!


The great thing is, I am not 'banned' from eating anything and I don't give calories a thought.  


This is a way of life now and I won't be switching back to old habits.


MDS - Male age 50-55

Thank you so much for this week - I never realised sugar was in quite so many things and causes quite so many problems. 

I am now less bloated, have lost weight - without trying (first time in years!) - and am eating more! 

I have also stoppped craving sugar and snacking.  So chuffed!  Thank you




AR - mid life aged female 


7 Day Sugar Stop Client

I am so pleased I did your 7 Day Sugar Stop.  I've always had a sweet tooth & was always reaching for sugary snacks... then at the start of this year, I was told I was pre-diabetic.

After doing your Sugar Stop, all that has changed - I can't quite believe it!

Not only am I no longer wanting to eat sweet stuff, I don't even want it.  And I am no longer pre-diabetic.


Thanks so much - I couldn't have done it without you.

AD - female 40s

7 Day Sugar Stop Programme & Lifestyle Shift client

Wow, I can't believe how making such simple changes has improved my sleep (quantity & quality) and energy levels.

NO more mid afternoon slumps (or foggy brain) and I've ditched the sweet snacks too.  Which means I've lost weight, but don't feel I've restricted anything either!

Thank you. I'm so pleased I did this course



DD - Male age 50-55


©2023 by Low Sugar Living. 

Disclaimer: Nutritional Advice is not a substitute for Professional Medical Advice

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